Transparent. Naturally. Sustainable.
Transparent. Naturally. Sustainable.
Nothing is as complex as nature itself. Therefore, it is essential for the construction of controlled processes to understand in detail the natural processes of the target plants.
A controlled system needs a fixed framework. Trust our classic structure and sound quality knowledge.
From the beginning to the finished concept.
From theory to practice: Audit activities and support in obtaining internationally recognized certifications are our strength. We set quality structures on the way.
Grab things at the root. A good drug based on good active ingredients, which are obtained from qualified sources. We are happy to accompany you on this journey.
Winner of the KfW Award Gründen 2019 for the state of Schleswig-Holstein
Claudia Valder
Systema Natura GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Ring 8
D-24220 Flintbek
+49 (0)4347-9043535